Getting organized is half the battle, keeping it organized is the other half.

Here is a reset guide for you with tips and tricks:

Rule of thumb

Please think about every item that enters your home. Will it serve you? Do you need it, or want it, does it make you or someone in your home happy or will it collect dust in a corner.

Remember, you are not obligated to take anything you do not want

Resetting is a great way to weekly update and keep up with the organized spaces in your home. 

Once a week, take stock in each area of what needs to be bought, or refilled.


Refill/ check dish soap and dish detergent

Refill spices

Refill decanted food

Check back stock before grocery shopping

Make grocery list of items that need to be replaced

Re organize junk drawer/ command center (sharpen pencils, discard old pens)


Take stock of the amount of shoes and jackets in the mud room or by the front door or garage, where ever shoes and jackets are kept. Keep only 1-2 pairs of shoes and 1-2 jackets per person and put the others in bedrooms or hang in closets

Clean out purses and back packs, discard trash and refill 


Refill q-tips and cotton balls, 

Change out toothbrushes every 3-4 months

Replace towels and wash old ones

Open all of the cabinets and drawers and quickly put things back where they belong (wipe down if needed) and take stock of what need to be rebought

Check expired makeup or broken makeup and throw away

Clean Makeup brushes (I do this every other month)

Play rooms:

Have kids get involved if old enough

Get rid of broken toys or old arts and crafts

Toys that are not often played with, put in a donate bin to get rid of

Put all toys back in their homes



Take stock of drawers and closet and quickly refresh

Discard any bedside magazines and books that are not being read or are old



 Clean up and file papers

Don't let things pile up, commit to daily quick check in's and get rid of what you don't need to keep 



Sweep floor, 

make sure evertyhingis in its place and home