Organizing Made Easy: 4 steps to Living an Organized Life

Do you ever wonder why some people have an easy time living an organized life while others are drowning in a sea of clutter?

I find that it is partly related to mindset and also the lack of ability to streamline. To find a home for everything. A cluttered mess is a way of saying, “Nothing has a home, and I don’t know how to deal with it.”

Here are my most effortless ways to get organized so that your life does not become about managing “stuff,” looking for needed items, or feeling overwhelmed in the spaces you inhabit:

Live with less

“Do I really need it?” is the question we should be asking ourselves. We are bombarded with ads to tell us that we are supposed to buy the latest gadgets for our homes, cars, or lifestyles. How many times have you bought something for it only to sit in your (fill in the blank), and then you realize you don’t really need it, let alone like it?


Find a home for everything: in other words, create a system.

Systems, systems, systems.  I can shout it from the rooftops. If there is no system in place, how on earth can you run an efficient household? Sometimes, systems take some time to put into place, and sometimes, systems need to be re-evaluated or changed, but regardless, having systems is the number one key (besides owning less) that will help you achieve your organizing goals.

Everything…literally every single thing, needs a home. If everything has a home after decluttering, you will never have to look for another item again. I know your kids, spouse, or someone else might move the object in need, but just put it back in its home and keep doing that until they get the hint. Having a weekly and daily reset is a game changer. So many clients I work with wonder if their space will stay the way it looked on the day I was there. Well…of course, if your intention is to keep it that way.

One helpful tip: if you have a hard time managing incoming items on a daily basis, have a bin or several that can act as a holding tank. One organizer I know referred to this type of bin as a F*** it bin. I love that. It's the bin that has your back, holding your belongings until you commit to bringing them to their home. As a professional organizer, I say deal with your belongings daily, but life can get busy, and we all might just need a F*** it bin.

Get creative

Get creative with space.

Professional organizers are good at purging and maximizing space. That is my superpower. We always think of vertical space, which is the least used space. But, while being creative with space, the goal is not to have every space used and taken. We want breathing room for blank spaces or expansion in every area of your home. Psychologically, being in spaces that are cluttered adds weight to our psyches and causes unneeded stress. Spaces that are light and airy and free of clutter bring joy and a sense of peace. You get to decide if you want to live in peace and calm or a sea of clutter. Use your vertical space without filling it to the brim.


Do an audit every few months.

Things will come and go. However, doing an audit will help you keep up with all of your space and help keep it intentional. International living with a streamlined space where everything has a home is the ideal win for professional organizers and the reason is that a cluttered home often means a cluttered mind and stressful days. 

You could pick a room each month or week and spend a few hours with the commitment to do a sweep and decide what you don't need and add it to a donation pile which can go to your car and donations the next day. 

Oh, and P.S. I give you permission to tell your family members that you do not want random items or gifts that will clutter your home and that you will have to manage and take care of. Blame it on me!

In short, deciding on how you want to live, living with less, and doing a big purge of items in your home that are taking up space mentally and physically, creating systems, getting creative with space, and doing daily, weekly, and monthly audits are 100% going to take you on a path of living an organized, streamlined life.

These tips are small ways to make a big difference. The beginning process might be challenging, and if you are stuck with moving forward, ask a friend or hire a professional organizer. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part. Once you get the momentum going, you might realize it's easier than you thought it would be. 

Not everyone is meant to live in a minimalist state, which is ok. If you define your “why” and “how you want to live,” what matters will become clear, and then you can move in the direction that works best for you and your lifestyle.

Once you free yourself from tending to managing stuff, you lighten the load and are able to find joy in what really matters, and trust me; it's never the STUFF.